Inspired by the work of Jon Kabat-Zinn, we will explore the tools of mindfulness and well-being to be able to face the demands and challenges of our lives. Practices explored include the body scan, sitting and walking meditation, mindfulness yoga, Qigong exercises and a period of silence during several days.

This retreat will help us integrate mindfulness in our everyday life and help us to access our internal resources, in order to better handle our stress.

This retreat is open to practitioners of MBSR (mindfulness-based stress reduction), as well as to everyone interested in the practice of mindfulness/awareness who is willing to undergo the discipline of silent retreat. In particular, this retreat is intended for mindfulness teachers or aspiring teachers and fulfills one of the retreat prerequisites for attending the Oasis Institute for Mindfulness-Based Professional Education and Training.

This 7-day intensive retreat is also recommended for all who are practicing or teaching MBSR and those who intend to do so in the future. 

For those who are new to meditation practice, please be aware that practicing for a week in silence can be an intensive and challenging – as well as a highly rewarding – experience. To guide you along the way, you will receive instruction and support from highly trained and experienced teachers and meditation instructors.


Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is a programme of practical, scientifically-supported teachings to reduce stress, facilitate relaxation, and promote physical health and emotional well-being. Inspired by the work of Jon Kabat-Zinn, this retreat offers tools for engaging the demands of our lives, including illness, chronic pain, personal crisis, or the ongoing challenges of a “full catastrophe”. By relating directly with our bodies, emotions and our hearts, we will discover the power of mindfulness to change our lives. Through sitting, walking, and body scan meditation practices,  as well as mindful yoga, we will return to our lives better equipped to manage daily or extraordinary stress situations.

Attendance: Participants must attend all practice sessions


  • Non-judging
  • Patience
  • Beginner’s mind
  • Trust
  • Non-striving
  • Acceptance
  • Letting go


  • Self-care
  • Confidentiality
  • Listening and participating
  • Silence
  • Non-disruptive
  • Genuine effort
  • Not leaving during stretching and meditation
  • No food or drink (except water) in meditation room


Arrival day (5 October): Orientation talk at 8 pm. You’re invited to come from 4 pm in order to register and settle in your room. Dinner is served at 6.45 pm.

End of programme (12 October): Closing circle in the evening.

Departure day (13 October): You may leave anytime (no programme). You’re welcome to stay for lunch.

This programme is taught in French. Free translation in English or other languages to be confirmed. Important: Translation services are possible only if you register your request at least two months in advance of the programme.

Programme price

Regular560 €
Patron668 €Help support lower income participants
Under 30 years of age280 €

If you require financial assistance to attend this programme please contact [email protected].

Accommodation and food

Full board60 €/ night *

* includes standard accommodation and all meals.

Price information

  • Regular: this is the regular price for participating in the programme. Occasionaly (if specified in the programme description), there may be an additional fee for materials, to be paid upon arrival.
  • Patron: for those who can offer more than the regular price, your generosity in paying the Patron Price helps cover the costs for others who are not able to pay the full programme price and provides support to Dechen Chöling.
  • Under 30 years of age: 50% reduction on the regular programme price for persons under 30 years at the start of the programme.

Accommodation: the standard accommodation we provide is in a dormitory for the winter and a furnished two-person tent in the summer. Extra fees for room upgrades can be paid upon arrival. Additionally, room tax will be charged at 0.20 € per person, per night.

See the full price list

Note: participation in any programme offered by the association of Dechen Chöling requires you to be up-to-date with the association’s annual fee (15 €), which can be settled upon arrival.