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  • We’re closed! (from September 7 to 15)

    We’re closed! (from September 7 to 15)

    After a busy summer, Dechen Chöling will be closed between September 7 and 15. If you have any urgent requests during this time, write to [email protected] See you back after […]

  • Community work day at Dechen Chöling

    Community work day at Dechen Chöling

    Summer is already over, as back-to-school and cooler days are now upon us. Here at Dechen Chöling that also means time for taking down all our set-up for summer programmes, […]

  • Yoga Nidra on Wednesday nights!

    Yoga Nidra on Wednesday nights!

    As of September 18, Pierre-Yves Monfrais will be offering an introduction to the practice of yoga nidra at Dechen Chöling every Wednesday, with one session at 6 pm and another […]

  • Heritage Days – 22 September 2024

    Heritage Days – 22 September 2024

    Discover the Dechen Chöling Meditation Center and the Mas Marvent estate Open to all, free admission. Dechen Chöling opens its doors for “Heritage Days” (Les journées du patrimoine). The place […]

  • Interview with Alex Paterson about the “Sit, Breathe, Walk, Sing” programme

    Interview with Alex Paterson about the “Sit, Breathe, Walk, Sing” programme

    Watch the exclusive interview with Alex Paterson, on our Sit, Breathe, Walk, Sing programme with Dorothea Gädeke, from 4 to 12 January 2025 at Dechen Chöling. More information about the […]

  • Testimonial from a participant

    Testimonial from a participant

    Here is the text (in french) that Melanie de Groot wrote, after the Unconditional Tenderness retreat with Sabine Rolf et Anne-Emmanuelle Roche-Bret, which very much touched the participants. Mélanie had […]