Home / Dharma / Autumn at Dechen Chöling

Autumn in Dechen Chöling is a beautiful time to slow down, be contemplative and connect with your senses…

It is a perfect time to start or deepen a meditation practice.

Our autumn retreats offer opportunities to enjoy and practice silence and to integrate mindfulness into your life.

Come feel the warmth and the freshness, the bright autumnal skies, hear, smell and feel nature, and enjoy the tranquility of the land.

First we have a Sunday Meditation for All (September 5th) open to everyone.

Then we have a Shambhala Training Level 1 – The Art of Being Human week-end (September 18th and 19th), taught by Acharya Samten Kobelt. 
Shambhala Training is a series of contemplative workshops suited for both beginning and experienced meditators. The simple and profound technique of mindfulness and awareness that is practiced can benefit people of any spiritual tradition and way of life.

Immediately following that, you can come or stay for our Meditation in Everyday Life retreat, during which you will be introduced to peaceful abiding meditation (shamatha) and be provided with tools and teachings for working with meditation in your everyday life.

In October, you can join our Silent Mindfulness Retreat (October 23rd – 30th), taught by Acharya Mathias Pongracz. A deep dive into silence and mindfulness, the retreat will help us access our internal resources and better handle the demands of everyday life.

We look forward to connecting with you and enjoying a joyful and colourful autumn here at Dechen Chöling.