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So it seems to be about time we shared with you a little snapshot of everyday lockdown life at Dechen Chöling.

As we shared recently, in our ‘Coronavirus Updates’, we are completely closed and almost all of us are currently unemployed. The off-land staff no longer call by (because of the French laws and restrictions on movement) and there are nine of us here on-land, living our isolation together. It’s a unique and strange experience – at times challenging and at times beautiful. But we are here, clumsily finding our way and feeling our fears. For me, at least, it feels a huge privilege to be locked down in the dharma land of great bliss and a beautiful responsibility to take care of the buildings and the land and each other until a time where we can welcome visitors again.

So what does daily life look like in these strange times? Well –  the grass is growing and spring is unfolding as elegantly as it always does at Dechen Chöling. I feel we are very lucky to have a framework and schedule already in place. We have morning practice and evening practice and we still ring the bell when we’ve cooked for each other. We take turns to cook, we put time into cleaning, maintaining and airing buildings whether we use them or not. A few of us still have contracted hours so we have zoom meetings and spend time in our offices. The garden is alive with seedlings and we have a greenhouse full of herbs and spinach and turnips so some of us spend time enjoying taking care of the plants and harvesting them to cook.

We find time for group (outdoors and following social distancing guidelines) and personal dharma study. I guess we do what everybody else is doing … we stop, we chat, we share our fears and sometimes we still and do nothing but gaze at an azure, planeless sky – alive with energy and space. Or just experience the aliveness of the natural world at a time of year when everything is teeming with possibilities and endless energy.

We have regular zoom calls to receive updates from Director Konstanze Brockstedt and for us to check in as a community. It feels good to hear how our neighbours and co-workers are doing and to be kept informed – as far as we can – as the situation unfolds.

We miss Ute and the care she takes of practice and study, but we do our best to keep up our shrine room and online practice. Thanks to the knowledge and expansive skillset of Véronique Villemagne, Rupön, Dorje Kasung European Commander, we have held successful Paranirvana Day celebrations and a full moon Sadhana of Kindness on the Dragon Field. She offers so much to the community here and to the protection of Dechen Chöling – we are very lucky to have her here during lockdown.

Energetically it feels very important to invite Dralas and Protectors and to maintain their strength, clearing obstacles and maintaining lungta. So many of you talk of the magical energy of Dechen Chöling when you visit and keeping this energy alive and well is a central motivation to how we spend our days here.

One of my personal priorities has become taking care of offerings and inviting the Dralas, so Lhasangs and Naga offerings and Kami offerings are a central part of my routine. But we all have our own individual way of ensuring we keep Dechen Chöling alive in these uncertain times. We are taking very good care of this place in the hope that the future will offer us all opportunities to see each other again and share the dharma.

Sending love from us all at Dechen Chöling

Cash Clay