Home / Dharma / The Summer Begins!

Right now there is sunshine, anticipation, and a hum of excitement in the air at Dechen Chöling. Summer programmes are about to begin and the land and community are full of life and activity. There is a welcome vibe of joyful exertion after what feels like a lengthy hibernation.

Recent months have been gently quiet and at the same time, a joyful and industrious time. Our small onland community (which, during winter and spring, has continued to hold a strong practice container) is morphing into an onland summer container with new volunteers, staff and MIAs arriving weekly

We have recently hosted two very successful online programmes – Death in the Time of Warriorship and Dreams of Awakening. While we continue to join with so many of you to practice via Zoom, we are very happy that we will very soon be able to meet with you again – or perhaps for the first time – in person at The Dharma Land of Great Bliss.

Let me set the scene: platforms and tents have been constructed on the Tiger and Dragon Campgrounds; our awesome community of neighbours is joyfully volunteering their time to uplift and deep clean practice spaces, rooms and landscape; our small team of staff is tirelessly processing registrations, looking after planning and taking care of Covid health and safety measures; communal spaces are ready to host and welcome you (and, of course, provide you with ice-cream, coffee and practice materials) the land is bursting with life – plants, insects, animals, and birds continue to fill the air with the everyday magic of the natural world. 

Less visibly, yet with the same enthusiastic effervescence, teams of teachers, programme staff, and a host of individuals who are volunteering time and skills, continue to put great efforts into ensuring that programme participants can enjoy beautiful and valuable dharma experiences here this summer while keeping everyone safe and healthy.

We eagerly look forward to the fast approaching time when we can welcome you as a programme participant or in joining our Meditation in Action programme (email [email protected]) and gather together, sharing time and deepening practice.

With love and happy anticipation from us all at Dechen Chöling.